Friday, July 9, 2010

Kills New York

After my last trip to NYC a few weeks ago I've developed a taste for this town ,
Jasmine Jewels and I where in Philly trying to decide wheather to head to DC or NYC ... My mind was made up before the conversation ever even came up. We left Philly in a hurry , and several cups of coffee later arrived in New York .

Tonight Im trying to hook up with a few of the local kinkster in the scene out here, maybe running around trying to see what sorta trouble I can get into ...

Nothing as follows for now . But when I have something more worthy of detail information , I'll add it in .

Saturday, July 3, 2010


So Jasmine Jewels and I have hit the road again ... This time She and I are in Philly for a few days , soaking up some rays along the coast and tearing up the bar scene at night .

Im not totally sure but I think that after this We are heading North again quickly to NYC , Washington DC , and Chicago before heading South to Austin TX .

I'll blog more about this alil later and throw some photos in the mix too ... xxxo Hope you are all doing well . Love n Lust ....

xxxo Kills